With the rising costs of living, now more than ever we need your help to support women in Nottinghamshire.

We heard that people are donating their energy rebate payments to charity and wanted to let you know that any contribution you can make, big or small, helps us ensure that 30 Chaucer Street remains a warm, holistic, and friendly space for many women in need of financial, mental health and other forms of support.
Nottingham Women’s Centre is run by women, for ALL women. We have over 50 years’ experience helping women to become stronger and more independent via our support services, counselling services, wellbeing courses and activities, person-centred advice and ability to offer an open, safe space that’s free to access.
We’re also pretty proud to be home to one of the country’s only remaining women’s libraries – Nottingham Women’s Library!

In the space of just one year, over 12,000 women come through our doors. We helped them gain a total of £300,000 through our financial support services and we offered upwards of 1500 hours in counselling. We also awarded over £90,000 in community grants to grassroots organisations working to support some of Nottingham’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities of women.
Our FREE courses and activities are attended by thousands of women each year, who each take away new skills, increased confidence, greater sense of wellbeing and more.
As well as the above, we’re also drivers of change! Through our extensive campaigning and policy work, we’ve had a major impact on local and national policy decisions affecting women, such as the recent Misogyny Hate Crime legislation changes.